What To Bring To Your Family Photo Shoot | San Diego Family Photographer


We are knee-deep in the busy season of photography, ladies and gentlemen! We weren’t sure what it was going to look like this year, but I must say, I think everyone realized how important family photos are this year! With so many shoots under my belt after 12 years as a photographer, I’ve learned a thing or two about what clients should bring to photo shoots! Here’s a list of my top 5 things to bring to your family photos.


Things to bring:

  • A brush or comb: Always always always bring along a brush or comb for your kids (and yourself!). It doesn’t hurt to have some hairspray & bobby pins as well. Here in San Diego I do a lot of beach photos, and with the wind & humidity, brushes always come in handy. Plus, carseats tend to mess up hair, so I suggest bringing hair supplies to your shoot & just doing your kids’ hair when you arrive!

  • Baby wipes: Without a doubt, SOMETHING will happen to someone’s outfit prior to (or during!) the shoot. Whether it’s a baby food pouch spill, spit up, or someone accidentally brushed against the car on their way out, baby wipes are always a great idea! Even if you don’t have babies anymore!

  • Shine control sheets: You can find these in the makeup section at your favorite store. They’re PERFECT to help control shine & sweat during shoots! I love to walk around a ton with my clients; it gives us variety of backgrounds & lets kids let off a little steam in between photos. However, when temperatures are high here in San Diego, it can lead to sweat & shine. These little wipes always come in handy!

  • Snacks (aka bribes): As a parent, I try really hard not to over-bribe my kids. However, when you’ve spent hundreds of dollars on a photographer & you need your kids to be on their best behavior for a short amount of time, I am 100% for bribery!! It’s hard for kids to hang during a shoot (especially if it’s over 30 minutes long), so pay them! But here’s the caveat… your bribe must be easily & quickly consumed and CLEAN. My favorite choices are Smarties, fruit snacks, yogurt melts, or Nerds. Chocolate melts in hands & messes up teeth (say no to M&Ms!), and anything too big & chewy (like a Starburst) takes foreverrrrr to finish so we all end up kinda standing around while your kid finishes chewing (and they milk it too, haha). Definitely make sure kids are well-fed before the shoot, but some snacks during the shoot don’t hurt. DON’T give the full bag. Dole out the snacks one cracker or gummy at a time!

  • Your patience: Is this cheating? Naa, it’s my list, I make the rules. But honestly, the NUMBER ONE thing to bring to a family photo shoot is a calm, patient energy. Kids can tell when parents are stressed or angry, and it affects them tremendously. My personal style is very lifestyle, candid, and fun, so I really cringe when parents are expecting everyone to hold still & smile for long periods of time. Trust me, I toooootally get it. You’ve invested a lot in these photos & you just want your kids to chill out for an hour so you can frame some photos in your home & give some to grandma for Christmas. But hands down, the BEST shoots aren’t ones where the kids are perfect little angels. The BEST shoots are the ones where everyone is just relaxed, relishing in their family as it is NOW (shy kids & crazy kids & all!) and just having a good time. Let me worry about the kiddos and getting everything I need, and you just relax & enjoy your time with your family.


I hope this list helps you pack for your family photos & get into the right mindset to have a good time & a successful shoot! Stay tuned for part 2… what NOT to bring to your family photo shoot!
