La Jolla Photographer | San Diego Beach Family Portraits

A lonnnnnng time ago, practically another LIFE ago, I did a Groupon deal. Back when Groupon was ONE deal per city for 24 hours. I sold 760, one hour photo shoots at a price point of $49. I only got to keep half.

I was INSANE. The whole thing was insane. I had my poor husband (only a boyfriend back then!) frantically emailing beside me; we spent about 12 hours straight in my mom’s office that day just trying to deal with the influx of people wanting to book sessions. That year was absolutely nuts. I put like 50k+ on my car driving all over the county in any given day, sometimes doing 4-5 shoots in ONE day.

The even CRAZIER part of it, is some of the people who spent less than $50 on my Groupon that day, have become my most loyal, amazing, and favorite customers!! I seriously have people who have come to me every single year, sometimes multiple times a year, since that Groupon (which was in 2010, by the way!). Every time I get to do a shoot with a Groupon client, it makes the whole crazy year (that’s how long the deal was good for) totally worth it.

These guys are no exception! I did their first sessions when these kids were TINY, and I absolutely loved seeing them again! We chose La Jolla Cove as our location, as we LOVE the variety it provides (and it’s dog-friendly!). Check out our session below!

la jolla cove family photos